Sales Assistant - The Preserve at Spring Creek
Garland, TX 75040
About the Job
The Marketing Assistant is responsible, under the Marketing Director’s supervision, for achieving high resident and prospective resident satisfaction and generating respect within the community through resident and community activities, tours, prospective resident follow-up, etc.
The Marketing Assistant must be self-motivated, organized and professional.He/she must diligently and conscientiously devote full and exclusive time and attention, and best efforts to job responsibilities; demonstrates judgment and sound discretion on a consistent basis that ensures complete/full occupancy of the facility at the earliest time possible.
1. To perform community marketing activities including public relations efforts, prospective resident generation,tours,prospectiveresidentfollow-up,directsalesandsalesmonitoringandanyother aspects required from the community Marketing Plan to ensure maximum marketing results and assist in the complete fill up of the facility as directed by the Marketing Director.
2. With general guidance of the Marketing Director, assist in the development and implementation of a quarterly marketing plan for the community.The plan should involve competition studies, strengths/weaknesses,outreachgoals,budgetcensusgoals,methodsandsystemsforachievingthegoals, and other related items.
3. AsdirectedbytheMarketingDirector,toperformcommunityrelationfunctionsandtoparticipateinlocal community activities for the community with particular attention to clergy, medical, legal, financial and business communities who would have influence with the senior market.
4. As directed by the Marketing Director, assist in maintaining appropriate contact with senior centers, ChamberofCommerce,clubs,associations,city/countyorganizations,mediaorganizations,churches, elder attorneys, trust officers, senior services, local government senior agencies, hospitals, discharge planners,realestatebrokers,financialplanners,socialworkers,homehealthagencies, andanyother community groups.Prepare and deliver presentations as needed.
5. Toperformalljobfunctionsinamannerwhichwillensurecompanyprofitabilitybymeetingallfacility activity and marketing budgets and census guidelines as set by the corporation.
6. Tootherwisebeavailabletogivetoursaspartofthemarketingteam.
7. AssistinmanagementoftheLeadTrackingSystembyupdatingweeklytopromotetimelyfollow-up, accurate marketing statistics and improved marketing communications.
8. WiththegeneralguidanceandassistancefromtheMarketingDirector,developandimplementin-house events/functions that will generate new traffic into the community.These events/functions should be held weekly, monthly, quarterly and/or annually.The events/functions should include any of the following: existing residents, family members, prospective residents, hot leads, guests, community leaders, outside organizations (as noted above), etc.
9. Conduct in-depth interview with prospective residents and other necessary parties to determine qualificationsforresidenceintothecommunityandtomakereferralstootherfacilitiesasmaybe
10. AsdirectedbytheMarketingDirector,assistinconductingin-depthcompetitionstudiestodetermine strengths/weaknesses, census levels, rental rates, range of services, department leaders, advertising/promotions, menu/food service, activities, amenities, etc.
11. Be fully prepared to discuss with prospective residents the amenities and services of the community duringassignedworkinghours,andatsuchothertimesasmayberequestedbyprospectiveresidentsor management.
12. Developanactionplaninprovidingdefinitivefollow-uptoallinquiresmadebyprospectiveresidents concerning the community and the services it offers.
13. Assistinthearrangementsforandcoordinationofmove-infornewresidents.
14. Maintaincurrent,accurateandappropriatereportsforeverycensusreportandothersuchrecords the community.These reports/documents will include, but not limited to, weekly census reports, inquiry cards, follow-up communication, community outreach reports, referral sources, advertising success tracking, etc.
15. AsdirectedbytheMarketingDirector,manageallcollateralmarketingmaterialsincludinghandouts,post cards, brochures, etc.
16. Identifyoveralltrendsinthemarketplacethatwouldindicateadjustmentstobemadein theoverall marketing strategy for the community or in individual instances.
17. To perform any additional job duties or training sessions set by the corporation, Executive Director, or MarketingDirectorwhilecompletingallassigneddutieswhichmaychangefromtimetotimeaccordingto resident needs, staffing levels, working circumstances, and corporate directives.
· Exposuretoblood/bodyfluidnotlikely.
· Push,pull,andliftatleast30pounds.
· He/she must possess excellent leadership and communication skills, be creative, fun loving and have a caring disposition towards the elderly.The Marketing Assistant must also have a current driver’s license, typing and marketing skills and have a neat, professional, courteous manner and appearance.
· AbilitytopassdrugscreenandCriminalbackgroundcheck.
· Willingtoworkshiftassigned,weekends,andholidays.
· Ability to work independently with minimum supervision; problem solving, conflict management, budgeting.